السبت، 20 يوليو 2013

Technology Management Degrees and Careers

Technology Management Degrees and Careers


What You'll Do

busy technology management degree professional
Technology management is a truly multidisciplinary field that integrates personnel and project management skills with solid knowledge of technological systems and operations. Its purpose is critical: to ensure competitive advantage for organizations through the effective incorporation and development of technology. Engineering or technology-based businesses such as software or hardware companies rely on well-trained technology managers, but so does any organization that uses complex machinery or computer systems.

Technology managers may face a complex spectrum of job duties, including supervision of a wide array of technical personnel, design and deployment of computer and other technological systems, project management, production and operations management, evaluation of technology value, and safety and quality control oversight. Technology management may even encompass innovation and entrepreneurship as it applies to technologically-based businesses.

Job Opportunities

Entry-level jobs in technology management include customer support or help desk positions, database or website development positions, or programming jobs. However, those with experience in the field or who have earned graduate degrees are eligible for more supervisory roles, including project management. Executive-level positions in technology management, such as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Director of Management Information Systems (MIS) or Director of Information Technology (IT), have added responsibilities, such as working with upper management, overseeing personnel and developing an organization's overall technology strategy.  Job opportunities are available in a wide range of industries, from IT and telecommunications to nanotechnology to insurance and financial companies.

The Future of Technology Management

As industries continue to become more technology focused, workers with the leadership skills to be effective technology managers will be in high demand. Companies need knowledgeable technology managers to ensure that their computing and technical systems are up-to-date, efficient and secure. Besides the obvious job opportunities in various technology and engineering sectors, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects employment growth in consulting services and healthcare organizations.

Schools & Degrees


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2012-13 Occupational Outlook Handbook, the median national annual salary for computer and information systems management is $115,780. Actual salaries may vary greatly based on specialization within the field, location, years of experience and a variety of other factors.


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