Working fluid - Mixture of 2 fluids
What makes Kalina cycle different from conventional Rankine cycle of
power production is its choice of working fluid. Kalina cycle uses
mixture of 2 fluids as working fluid, most commonly used is ammonia and
water mixture. To get answer why Kalina uses a mixture as its working
fluid, have a look at T-s diagrams of ordinary Rankine cycle and Kalina
Fig.1 Comparison of Rankine and Kalina cycles |
The major difference of Kalina cycle from Rankine cycle is that in
Kalina heat addition and heat rejection happen at varying temperature
even during phase change, since the fluid is a mixture. But in Rankine
heat addition and heat rejection happen at uniform temperature during
phase change. This is the one thing which makes all the difference in
performance of Kalina cycle.
Comparison with Carnot Engine - Reason for high efficiency
In a Carnot engine heat addition and rejection happen at uniform temperature.
Fig.2 In a Carnot engine heat addition and rejection happen at uniform temperature |
Efficiency of such an engine can easily be proved as
So it is clear that if heat rejection temperature (Tc) decreases or heat
absorption temperature (Tb) increases thermal efficiency of Carnot
engine will increase.Same analysis can be done for Rankine and Kalina
cycles, using average temperature of heat addition and rejection as
reference temperatures. This is marked in dotted lines in following
Fig.3 Average heat addition and rejection temperatures of Kalina cycle is much wider than a Rankine cycle |
So it is clear from the diagrams that Kalina cycle has got lower
average heat rejection temperature (Tc) and higher average heat addition
temperature (Tb) compared to Rankine cycle. It will obviously lead to
high thermal efficiency. This forms theoretical background of Kalina
cycle, but in order to implement it we have to overcome some practical
Difficulty at Condenser - Use of Separator
Kalina cycle uses high concentration ammonia mixture (around 70%
ammonia) at steam turbine part, but such a mixture has got very low
condensing temperature.
Fig.4 Phase diagram of Ammonia-Water mixture |
Means you have to supply a very low temperature cooling water at
condenser for this purpose. Production of such low temperature cooling
water is not economical. You can observe from Fig.4 that condensing
temperature of ammonia-water mixture increases drastically with decrease
in ammonia concentration. So in a Kalina cycle power plant, we will
decrease ammonia concentration at condenser side. An equipment called
separator will produce 2 streams of fluid from condenser outlet, one
with high concentration and other with low concentration (30% ammonia).
Low concentration ammonia mixture will get mixed with exist fluid at
turbine and will produce a medium concentration (40% ammonia) ammonia
mixture. This mixture will have fairly high condensing temperature and
can be condensed with supply of ordinary cooling water. This is shown in
following figure.
Fig.5 Use of recuperator in producing low concentration ammonia mixture at condenser |
Concentration of fluid is brought back to original state by mixing high
concentration ammonia stream from separator with fluid exit at
Use of Recuperator
It is clear from T-s diagram of Kalina cycle that temperature at exit
of steam turbine (point 4) is greater than temperature at inlet of
boiler (point 2). So there exists a chance of heating up boiler liquid
by virtue of this high temperature steam turbine output. This is
accomplished with help of a heat exchanger called recuperator. This is
shown in following figure.
Fig.6 Increase in further thermal efficiency with help of a recuperator |
Thus with use of recuperator one need not supply same amount of heat at
boiler side as supplied in previous case, this will further increase
efficiency of Kalina cycle power plant. But this opportunity of heat
transfer is not there in Rankine cycle based power plant. You can notice
that in Rankine cycle temperature at point 4 is always less than
temperature at point 2, thus there is no chance of heat transfer from
steam turbine outlet to boiler inlet.
Advancements in Kalina Cycle Power Plants
Instead of ammonia-water mixture industries have started implementing
organic mixture based Kalina cycles in order to harness maximum from
given condition. Some examples are mixture of R22 & R114 and mixture
of Hexamethyldisiloxane & Decamethyltetrasiloxane.
Thanks to its unique feature of varying thermo-physical properties by
varying mixture concentration at different parts of cycle, Kalina cycle
power plants are widely used in Geothermal stations and waste heat
recovery units. They can easily match to any source (heat addition) and
sink (heat rejection) condition by varying mixture concentration in the
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